OHBC lifts the 40’ container (or 45’) from the stack pile completely inside the frame (applies for ‘under OHBC’ as well for ‘upper OHBC’).

If the OHBC has to pass over the truck transfer lane or over manned operations in the service area (inspection, cleaning, repair, pre-tripp) the following safety precautions will be executed.

OHBC moves the 40’ container (or 45’) symmetrical to the middle of the span and drives to the destinated location.

The 3 rotatable safety bars which are strong enough to withstand the entire weight will be closed underneath and across the 40’ container (or 45’) before driving.

The rollable safety net will be closed from both ends over the full length of the OHBC underneath the container before driving. The strength of this safety net can be tailored to the specific project requirement.

In case that a 20’ container has to pass the truck transfer lane or the service area the container will be positioned a-symmetrical relative to the middle of the span so that if it’s above at least two closed safety bars before driving. The safety net will be closed over the full length of the OHBC before driving.